We believe in collective problem-solving
No one is an expert in everything. Through our hard-earned experience and extensive networks, we have an array of tools,knowledge and expertise to dissect and solve complex situations.
We thrive on difficult or complex transactions
The principals have worked at banks, hedge funds, asset management firms and private equity firms and have hands-on experience with some of the most complex corporate transactions undertaken during the past 30 years. We understand how to build consensus and close deals. We appreciate that creating value requires the need to explore unique solutions and think holistically.
Creating Value for everyone drives our business
Too many advisors (and even some investors) make their money charging outsized fees. We believe that the best, most thoughtful solutions for companies tend toward long-term value creation. As such, we typically charge very competitive fees when compared to traditional “market fees” and look to share in the longer-term value creation –
side-by-side with our clients.
We take on projects only where we believe we can help
Unlike many established advisory firms and banks, we are small, agile and highly selective. We have the luxury of choosing those situations where we see the most opportunity for everyone involved. We are not driven by annual revenue numbers. We have a healthy, manageable pipeline of projects. Given our preferred compensation structure, we must carefully analyze and choose those on which we believe our skills and experience will result in a positive, successful outcome for everyone involved. We earn our returns on quality not quantity.
High touch, hands-on, personal involvement of the principals is key to being successful
Many larger advisors, consultants and investment banks are adept at signing up new clients then staffing the project or transaction with less-season, less-experienced professionals. We take on projects because we enjoy the work, want to put our experience directly to work and believe that our involvement significantly enhances the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Financial engineering is a tool not an outcome
Traditional bankers and financial advisors may be adept at restructuring a balance sheet. We believe that these skills are but one tool that needs to align with overall business strategy, marketing and operating processes to create long-term, sustainable value creation.
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